Mr. Oluwadarafunmi Egbeyemi
Mr. Oluwadarafunmi Egbeyemi is a graduate of the University of Nottingham, and has a MSc. from University of Kent School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences. He is an alumnus of Corona Secondary School. He is an Investment Manager at Asset and Resource Management Limited. Mr. Oluwadarafunmi Egbeyemi worked with Cash craft Asset Management Limited, Nigeria for his National Youth Service as a Research Analyst. He was awarded with The University of Nottingham Advantage Award (2014) for completing additional modules: Part-time jobs, Vacations Jobs & Volunteering, Career Planning Skills and Skills for Employability. He is a member of Capoeira Society (2013-2014) at the University of Nottingham, mostly participating in coordinated Street Brazilian dance classes. Mr Oluwadarafumi is a long distance runner. He is a Co-founder of All for God, All for Good Charity annual Yard sale for the less privileged where all proceeds go to a selected charity.